Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Leeds Skyride …

The sun was shining and we had 500 bottles CEMEX branded water and some slapbands to give to the cyclists at this year’s Leeds Skyride.  Over 8,000 cyclists turned up to cycle the 6.5km route round the streets of Leeds which were turned into a cyclist’s paradise with no traffic allowed from 10am – 3pm.

A big thanks to Garry Webster, Paul Binns, Mick Hix, Martyn Robinson and Elizabeth Young who gave up their Sunday to highlight safe cycling round HGVs.

Also thanks go to John Parker for organising and Jason Storey IHC for the loan of his 6 week old truck.  (Pictured above from L-R Paul, Martyn, Garry and Mick).

Take a look on our Twitter account @CEMEX_UK for more photographs and a video of the start.

IMG_0357 resized 2(Pictured left: one of the younger cyclists learning about safe cycling round HGVs).