Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Look Out For The Latest Video Safety Alert

We have seen an increase in reversing vehicle incidents since the start of the year, one of which is captured in our latest Video Safety Alert.

When reviewing the Alert with your teams and colleagues, please consider the following key points:

  • Are all high potential incidents (HiPos) reported, logged in INTELEX and fully investigated so we can share any learning points and help prevent more serious incidents and injuries in the future? and
  • Do the traffic management arrangements on your site(s) minimise the potential for incidents?… For example, are traffic routes and parking areas clear, is there adequate directional signage, are one way systems in operation, are vehicles parked so that the first movement is forwards, and are pedestrian routes physically segregated from vehicles wherever possible?

Further details on the requirements can be found in the CEMEX Health and Safety Management System and the Global Standards for the “Management of Traffic on CEMEX Premises” and “Safe Reversing”.

You can access the Alert via the following link: