Health & Safety

Health & Safety

LTI To Achieve No LTIs!

Drew Crombie, Aggs Area Ops Manager Scotland, shares his thoughts on why Cumbusmore and Hyndford have such good LTI free records.  Over to Andrew: “In my recent blog regarding Cambusmore Quarry achieving 14 years LTI free and also Hyndford who just passed 13 years LTI free, I was posed the question by Chris Leese: “What are we doing to achieve this?”  Well, here are my thoughts:

LTI to achieve no LTIs

L = Leadership – without the proper leadership, support and guidance nothing positive is achievable.

T = Training – without the proper training and competence being achieved, people will invent what they think is the safe way to complete tasks.

I = Individuals – the most important part, they are the key to ensuring every one stays safe – they must be led properly, trained to competent and beyond, and totally engaged and prepared to step in and support/guide others.

Cambusmore and Hyndford, as well as most other sites, are focused on this and it’s my opinion the LTI to achieve no LTIs is essential.”

Can anyone else share what they think it takes to maintain LTI free success?