Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Made To Move…. Manchester’s Initiative To Get People Cycling And Walking

Manchester’s Commissioner for Cycling and Walking, well known cyclist Chris Boardman, presented the latest initiative to get local people cycling and walking to the All Parliamentary Party Cycling Group in the House of Commons. The report ‘Made to Move’ highlights 15 key steps to transform how Manchester people travel and will cost £1.5bn over 10 years.

Chris Boardman’s vision is to create a network that a 12-year old would want to use.  That 12-year-old equates to a pensioner wanting to get to the shops a kilometre away, a mum or dad who hasn’t cycled since childhood, a nervous enthusiast or somebody with mobility issues. That 12-year-old standard is one which all of these groups require, and are the people who are currently making those short journeys by car.  30% of journeys less than one kilometre are made in cars.

In the audience of around 50 people were Jesse Norman, Transport Minister; Jenny Jones of the Green Party, Kate Green, MP for Urmston, Roger Geffen, Cycling UK, members of the cycling fraternity and Liz Young from CEMEX UK Communications.  It is hoped to arrange a meeting with Chris Boardman in the near future to discuss our pedestrian safety campaign.  Recently two tippers have been branded with the new pedestrian safety message and are working out of Halkyn Quarry making frequent trips to our operations in Manchester.