During a recent VFL Mick Cooper, cement driver, stepped in to help colleague Jamie Pickles. Jamie, Communications Manager, Andy Spencer, Environment and Sustainability Director and Andy Taylor, H&S Director were on a VFL visit at Cambridge Readymix plant.
Mick Cooper arrived from South Ferriby in his tanker to fill the cement silo. Whilst he was connecting the hoses to the silo Mick noticed that Jamie was wearing only safety glasses, not safety goggles as required during the unloading of cement from a tanker. He quickly Stepped In and ensured Jamie was kept away from the unloading area. Mick mentioned that his son was a keen rugby fan, so to say thanks for Stepping In, Jamie sent a branded Rugby Cement ball left over after the Rugby World Cup to Ferriby, which was presented to Mick by Sean Page, Logistics Operations Manager – see picture attached.