Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Mixer Drum Safety Alert….

In the download section in the UK News website there is the Safety Alert from the TRI incident we reported last week where a truckmixer driver required stitches to his hand when he trapped it between the rotating drum of his truck and a water pipe, while washing it down.  This type of incident is not new, two previous even more serious incidents are detailed in the Alerts accessible via the following link, along with a video of one of our drivers who very nearly lost his life back in 2007 when he became entangled in the mixer drum blades:

If we are to achieve our goal of Zero4Life, and prevent future incidents and the consequences for those who are injured and their families, it is essential we don’t forget the learning points from previous events.  Operational teams are encouraged to use this latest Alert, along with the previous materials where applicable, to highlight to drivers the dangers of working on rotating truckmixer drums and to discuss the necessary precautions required to keep themselves safe.