Health & Safety

Health & Safety

No Horsing Around In Cluster 14

CEMEX UK recently received a tweet from a member of the public wanting to applaud the great behaviour of CEMEX IHC Driver, Geoff Oakley, in Bressingham Cluster 14.

Whilst driving Geoff noticed he was approaching a horse in the roadway.  As he approached he used his knowledge and experience and slowed the truck mixer down, parked up safely and turned his vehicle off whilst the horse passed. He does this with any horse as he has noticed that the rotating drum seems to ‘spook’ the horses as they pass him.

Following his actions the member of public tweeted not just once but twice to answer one of our questions and couldn’t compliment Geoff enough for his actions. It turns out it was a young horse being trained on the roadway and the rider really appreciated the action he took to ensure everybody remained safe.

Several congratulations were passed onto Geoff from CEMEX which include Jamie Pickles, Lex Russell, Dave Hart and Steve Large to mention just a few!

Here are the below tweets received: