On 9th August CEMEX and Taylor Morrison Haulage held an In Cab Driver VFL day at Hyndford Quarry involving people from Aggregates Commercial, Technical, Asphalt and Aggregates Operations, and Readymix Operations – representatives of OneCEMEX Scotland. The feedback from the team was extremely positive about the skill that our drivers show whilst driving to ensure the road space is shared safely, and also their professionalism and customer service focus when they interact with customers on delivery sites.
During a debrief these highlights were noted – drivers alertness and awareness, drivers attitude and level approach, conduct and professionalism, attitude second to none, consideration and awareness of other drivers/vulnerable road users, relationship with on-site customers and overall general approach. We were able to appreciate the myriad of challenges our hauliers/drivers face hour to hour, day to day – still keeping up the customer-centric approach on service and quality, and the vital part they play in our Supply Chain. Ronnie Simpson said he would encourage everyone to participate in these In Cab VFLs: “It gives you a great insight into the challenges our HGV drivers face every day both on the road and on site. I guarantee you will behave differently around lorries when you drive after being in the cab of one all day. It’s also great for engaging with a relatively remote part of our workforce.”
It is important to encourage the efforts made to improve the Health & Safety culture in our haulier companies. The incidents over past months highlight that safety has no memory and we have to be vigilant every day. With this in mind, we applaud Taylor Morrison for ensuring that there are systems, training and equipment in place to improve their driver’s safety and that of others in the wider aspects of the operations. Thanks go to Brad Murphy, Kevin Hill, Martin Fellowes, Derek Sim, Kenny McAlpine, and Owen Conroy (CEMEX), and George Taylor and all of his drivers at Taylor Morrison who made the day Safety Value Added.
The main picture is of George Taylor showing the CEMEX team all of the vehicle additional safety systems in place. Picture 2 is of Brad Murphy accompanying driver in cab. Picture 3 is George Taylor showing the team the benefits of Quicksilver easy flow linings (minimising rollovers).