Health & Safety

Health & Safety

One small step…

From slippery or uneven surfaces, unsuitable or incorrectly tied shoes, not holding handrails, to failing to keep our workplaces in order – we have a tendency to underestimate hazardous circumstances especially when we are stressed or in a hurry.

However, these seemingly small details resulted in 40 accidents in Europe in the last two years. 28 CEMEX employees and 12 contractors were injured. How can we learn from these events and prevent them from happening in the future?

As we move into the latter part of the year, we will face an increased risk of slips, trips and falls. It is crucial for each of us to understand that overlooking basic Health and Safety rules can have serious consequences, which is illustrated in the attached material.

Let´s reflect upon all the “important details” and put our tools into action so that together we can achieve our Zero4Life goal. Our attitude is a key factor in determining whether or not the next accident will happen.