Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Pedometer Challenge 2022 Winner

15 teams from UK Aggregates took part in a Fit4Life Pedometer Challenge with a 12 million step target – the equivalent of walking from London to the venue of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

Thank you to everyone who took part in challenge. The steps are in, and they have been counted and verified. Collectively, throughout July the teams walked over 15.5 million steps beating their initial target by almost 30%!

Congratulations to Sharon Lomas (photo) from Dove Holes quarry for winning July’s Pedometer Challenge with a massive contribution of 740,770 steps!

Sharon explained: ‘I was surprised to have won as I didn’t do anything special. I have two dogs and three horses that keep me on the move! I also help out on my parents’ farm after work, weekends and holidays; July was a busy month with hay making and sheep shearing. I am fortunate that this is my lifestyle and I spend more time outdoors than I do indoors.”

Adam Leverett, Head of Operational Excellence West Europe Materials, commented: “Congratulations to Sharon Lomas for her amazing winning total of 740,770 steps! She has walked more than the distance as Dove Holes is to Brighton Wharf over the last few weeks, and her well-deserved prizes are a Cineworld cinema voucher for two adults plus food and drink, and a FHOSS ‘Glow Skin’ rechargeable light vest for cycling/running/walking safely. After all that walking we thought some time sitting down and eating popcorn was definitely allowed!”

Sharon’s team, ‘Fast Trackers’, also won the overall team challenge with 1,780,477 steps, and they were one of eight teams who exceeded one million steps.

The ‘Stepping In’ team from Raynes quarry won the final prize for best team name, which was chosen by Health & Safety Director, Andy Taylor.

Andy commented: “People can tend to think of exercise as vigorous activity such as running, cycling or swimming, and overlook the great benefits of walking. Building walking into our daily regime can provide significant health benefits including improved circulation, weight control, better sleep, increased strength and better all-round well-being and, best of all, it’s free!”

Special thanks to Matt Baines for administrating the competition.