As you may be aware in 2017 our Readymix business, under national and local leadership teams, recognised a need to improve the general conditions and standards of our operating units. Part of this effort which has become known as “What Good Looks Like”, is focused on recognising those units that have achieved a high standard of improvement through the commitment and effort of local operations and leaders.
This is not about major projects and significant expenditure but about the many incremental gains that can be made through improving conditions and behaviours locally.
Craig Williamson, RD for Readymix Northern & Scotland continues: “Judged quarterly, an award is made at a Regional level to recognise the Plant deemed most improved and a great demonstration of what a good Readymix operation should look like. At the same time special recognition is given to a Plant from each area that has similarly made tremendous efforts to improve.
Having sat with the Regional Leadership team and reviewed all entries for Quarter 4 2017, I am delighted to see the general improvements that many of our sites are making. I am also pleased to confirm that the Plants judged most worthy of recognition are:
Regional Winner: Altrincham Plant – The Altrincham team are Dean Smith, Martin Storey, Michael Butler and Christopher Rudd.
Area Winner (Scotland): East Kilbride Plant
Area Winner (North East): Bedlington Plant
Area Winner (Yorks & Humber): Leeds Plant
My thanks and congratulations go to everyone who has contributed to these improvements. Our challenges now are to bring all Plants to the same high standards and to ensure an environment of continuous improvement as we aim to maintain high standards on a daily basis.”