Health & Safety

Health & Safety


Although the response to the Coronavirus pandemic is rightly of high importance for the business, ensuring we all stay safe while working remains our number one priority at all times. This means not just maintaining physical distancing and good hand hygiene for instance, but also remembering and adhering to the other vital health and safety guidelines and practices that govern how we should be working.

We appreciate the circumstances are more challenging than ever with fewer colleagues on site, employees returning to work after extended time off, and some people doing jobs that are different to their normal work, but the consequences of neglecting health and safety practice can be very serious as we have been reminded.

Unfortunately, there was an LTI at one of our sites earlier this week, with a contractor requiring surgery after injuring their hand.  Please take time to STOP AND THINK, STEP IN if you see anything unsafe and always follow the SAFETY ESSENTIALS so we can make sure that incidents like this don’t happen again and we can achieve our goal of ZERO harm.

Staying safe isn’t just important for ourselves and for our families, but also to ensure NHS resources can be used to fight the pandemic rather than responding to other incidents. In line with this, RoSPA is running a campaign called ‘Accident Free, Avoid A&E’, with lots of resources available online to help us stay safe when we are at home.
