Earlier this year, the EMEA Health & Safety team developed an informative yet simple Defensive Driving Course for all UK employees to access online.
We would like to remind all employees of the availability of this course and strongly encourage as many people as possible to complete it.
So far, less than 200 employees across the UK business have completed the course, which is disappointing when you consider how many of us drive regularly.
We appreciate that everyone is busy but ask that you make the time for this course. This is particularly important if you drive on company business; indeed, there is the expectation that all these employees will complete the course.
The course is short yet very engaging – it takes no longer than 25 minutes and shares safe driving strategies that enable motorists to address identified hazards in a predictable manner, anticipate situations and make safe, well-informed decisions using a planned system of driving.
It covers many of the different situations we will experience while driving, including vulnerable road users, cyclists and large goods vehicles, as well as safe driving essentials such as speed and steering. No matter how confident you are when driving, you can always learn something new and refresh your existing knowledge.
The course can be accessed here: https://cemex.sabacloud.com/Saba/saml/SSO/alias/cemex_sp
Please note: If the link does not work for you it may be that your identity is not verified in saba, the learning management system. If this happens, please contact Sandra Patricia Cortes Ortiz (sandrapatricia.cortesortiz@ext.cemex.com).
Thank you for your support with this important training which could help to prevent an accident and even save lives. If you have any questions, please contact your Health & Safety Advisor.