Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Road Safety Week is Coming!

During the week of Monday 20th November, Cemex UK will again be taking part in Road Safety Week 2023. The focus of this year’s campaign is on the topic of, ‘speed,’ and we will be doing our bit to help raise awareness of the dangers of excess or inappropriate speed on our roads.

What is Road Safety Week?

Road Safety Week is Brake’s biggest road safety campaign. Every year, thousands of schools, organisations and communities get involved to share important road safety messages, remember people affected by road death and injury, and raise funds to help Brake care for more road victims and campaign for safe roads for everyone.

What’s happening at Cemex?

There will be a host of activities taking place throughout the week including a special toolbox talk across our Supply Chain teams. We’ll be amplifying key road safety messages with posters and banners across our sites. We’ll be featuring information from the campaign across our Social Media channels and promoting internally in UK News, and we’ll also be running a road safety quiz with prizes for the winner and runners up – so look out for more information on all of this.

Why is Road Safety Week so important to us?

There is a very sombre statistic that five people die on the UK’s roads everyday with even more people injured. Driving is an activity that many of us will do both in our personal and professional lives and therefore we can all play a part in helping to make the UKs roads safer for all road users. Practising and promoting safer driving is something that most of us will be able to contribute towards and this year’s topic of speed is particularly pertinent – there is no journey any of us will ever take that needs to be completed at such a speed that it could potentially cost a life.

Dave Hart, UK Supply Chain Director, explains why supporting this campaign is so important to Cemex: “We’re long-standing supporters of Brake’s Road Safety Campaign and it provides an opportunity for us to add our voice to an incredibly important message around making our roads a safer place for all road users. The campaign aligns to our unwavering commitment to safety across all of our activities and we want to use this opportunity to reinforce our driver safety messaging. Please can I ask for all your support to raise awareness with your teams at work and families at home of this important message.”

We have produced Road Safety Week posters which you can find on the UK News download page: here  – please share this on all workplace noticeboards.