Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Rollover Awareness

The two main causes of rollovers are soft ground and speed around corners.  The Health & Safety team have analysed the data for our region and produced two informative posters to promote rollover awareness.  Please use these posters on your sites to remind drivers of the risks.  They can be found in the download section of the UK News website: Rollover Awareness posters May 2021 (662 downloads)

A rollover video was created last year and can be accessed here. Please re-watch with your teams.

As you may be aware, this week is the UN Global Road Safety Week (17th – 21st May) and it would be great if we can all support this. We have experienced several road traffic incidents this year, including a tragic fatality in the Philippines, and this is an opportunity to re-emphasise the importance of following our Driving Essentials and adopting safe driving behaviours at all times.