July was a difficult month for us in terms of health and safety in the UK, with three Lost Time Injuries in quick succession. These incidents are detailed in the Alerts in the download section of the UK News website.
Two of the incidents resulted from slips, trips and falls, which is our most common cause of injury. Across Europe 36% (17 out of 47 TRIs) of our most serious injuries this year have resulted from slips, trips and falls, while in the UK this is even higher, at 42% (5 out of 12 TRIs). As sites and as individuals we can minimise the risk of injuries:
The third Alert refers to our Marine Operations, it also contains lessons for us all, in terms of ensuring specific safe systems of work are in place and included in inductions where required, the importance of good and timely communication, and the need to review tools and equipment to reduce risk as far as is reasonably practicable.
Please review the Alerts with your teams as appropriate. In particular, as we approach the autumn, a review of the arrangements in place to minimise the risk of slips, trips and falls would be timely.
Alerts should also be displayed on relevant noticeboards.
Also in the download section of the UK News website is a Safety Alert Communication Form that can be used to maintain a record of the communication of the above Alert(s).
HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION AND RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION: https://cemex.sharepoint.com/sites/UKHealthandSafety/SitePages/Safety-Alerts.aspx?web=1