Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Safety Alert

While there were no injures in the incident outlined in this latest Safety Alert, the potential for death or serious injury is readily apparent.

Thanks go to the local operations for taking the time to share the details of this High Potential incident and give us all an opportunity to raise awareness about the hazards of overhead works; the risks from suspended loads are well understood, but this incident helps highlight the dangers of working beneath cranes.

You can access the Alert in our download section of the UK News website: Safety Alert - HiPo - Ship crane wire failure (817 downloads)   and at the end of this document.

Please discuss the Alert with your teams as appropriate, highlighting the need for:

  • Lifting operations to be effectively planned and supervised.
  • Equipment to be subject to rigorous inspection and maintenance.
  • Appropriate action in the event of any defects.
  • Exclusion zones around any lifting operations and suspended loads, including crane components themselves.

Please remind everyone to “Stay out of the line of fire” and display the Alert on relevant noticeboards.