Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Safety Alerts for UK – Please Read

Two Alerts relating to injury incidents in the UK were circulated earlier this week, one where a driver fractured his hip when he fell from the cab of his vehicle, and the other where a driver cut one of his fingers on security fencing while retracting a side mirror.

The first incident highlights the importance of daily inspection and defect reporting, including the need to ensure steps are of a suitable design and maintained in good condition; cab steps should be inspected daily and repaired if damaged.  In addition, we can all help minimise the potential for injury by ensuring we have three points of contact when climbing steps, ladders, etc… Remember to “Get a Grip”.

The need to ensure delivery instructions are understood and communicated to Transport Planning teams, Plant Managers and Drivers is apparent from the second Alert.

Please discuss the Alerts with your teams and consider whether local processes and procedures are suitably robust to prevent similar incidents.  Where any shortfalls are identified, please take immediate action to prevent injury, while considering if longer term controls are required.

The Alerts should also be displayed on relevant notice boards.  They can be found in the download section of the UK News website:  UK Safety Alerts 29.07.2021 (1816 downloads)