Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Safety Warning About Lithium-Ion Batteries

Highways England recently put out this alert about exploding Lithium-Ion batteries (rechargeable batteries.)  One of their employees was carrying the batteries in his pocket ready to replace them.  Within minutes the person felt a burning sensation in his thigh and shortly after his trouser pocket ignited, followed by an explosion resulting in the release of a lithium-ion liquid.  The liquid came into direct contact with his thigh and migrated down the leg.  The clothing was removed from him by his partner and the area was drenched with copious amounts of water.

The employee went to A&E immediately and was diagnosed with third degree burns and will need a skin graft.

The batteries were stored in direct contact with conducting materials – two £1 coins and a metal carabiner clip in his pocket.  This caused fired and chemical burns from the battery fluid.

Please tell colleagues about the hazards of batteries – especially in the lead up to Christmas with lots of battery-operated toys and gifts!  Just follow these simple rules to stay safe:

  • Ensure batteries are always stored in a cool dry place.
  • Make sure battery terminals are covered whilst in storage.
  • Avoid battery terminals coming into contact with conductive materials – such as keys and coins which will cause a short circuit of the battery.

NB Please note the battery image is illustrative only.  This is not an image of the battery which caused the injury.