CEMEX Logistics team carried out a school Road Safety Awareness Day at Alexandra Junior School, London SE26 5DS.
The Aggregate Logistics team: Dave Dench (Area Logistics Manager), Bob Lockhart (Lead Driver), Bob Stephens (Lead Driver), Joy Riley (Angerstein Driver) were accompanied by Kate Bartlett from the London Cycling Campaign, who is writing a news article on CEMEX for Construction Logistics Community Safety (CLOCS).
Over 120 pupils at the junior school (years 5 & 6) attended the event with in-cab experience and interactive sessions on road safety.
Joe Riley, Driver, took the children through truck safety checks he carries out each day and gave comparison with their bicycle safety checks and how it’s key we all share our road space safely.
Teachers and children gave great feedback and understanding of vehicle dangers and blind spots.
Kate Bartlett from the London Cycling Campaign stated: “The children were clearly engaged and asked plenty of questions. I think the children were left with positive messages about how to cycle and walk safely and avoid the risks. Clearly a benefit for the children but also think it is helpful for drivers to spend time with children, hear their thoughts and potentially increase their own understanding about the level of road awareness this key vulnerable roads users group have.”
If you would like to hold your own cycle safety event at a school, you can use your Lend-a-Hand day to do so. Carl Milton and Elizabeth Young would be happy to help you with what to say and how to organise it. Contact: carl.milton@cemex.com or elizabeth.young@cemex.com