Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Self Care Week

This week is Self Care Week, an annual national event that raises awareness of what we can all do to improve our physical health and mental wellbeing.

The theme this year is Exercise Self Care for Life. The intention with the theme of “exercise” is for it to have a double meaning – the literal sense of getting physically active, as well as the “act” of self care which of course includes the whole spectrum of self care such as daily choices like brushing our teeth, choosing to take the stairs etc, managing long term conditions, looking after our mental wellbeing, understanding how to take care of minor ailments etc.

Here are some Self Care tips:

  • Taking vitamin D supplements, particularly important for those shielding and unable to go outside.
  • Good nutrition and regular exercise to support general wellbeing and help maximise people’s immunity.
  • Adopting positive lifestyle choices.
  • Increasing health literacy levels in the community and in schools.
  • Supporting mental wellness by keeping connected, ensuring a sense of perspective, and taking further steps to maintain health.
  • Understanding how to manage minor and long-term health conditions.

In the download section of the UK News website: Exercise Self Care for Life - what to keep in your medicine cabinet (997 downloads) Exercise Self Care for Life - which symptoms your local Pharmacist can help with (975 downloads) you can find some excellent advice about what to keep in your medicine cabinet, and which symptoms your local pharmacist can help with.

Please print the document and share on your office notice boards.

For further help and advice about Self Care visit: