Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Sharing and Learning from NMHA Examples

Over the coming months we are sharing examples from across the UK business of Near Miss Hazard Alerts that have been raised and actioned. Many incidents can be common across sites and operations, therefore by sharing examples this can prompt colleagues to implement positive action to improve their own operations.

Halkyn quarry recently had Guarding and Isolation NMHA. An isolation switch had been damaged and was reported through the NMHA system and promptly replaced. Had it not been reported, and the site had needed to isolate equipment, it is possible the isolation may not have been effective. By reporting the damage and action being promptly taken the integrity of the isolation procedure was maintained.

Using the example above, if the defective isolation switch had not already been identified doing a Take 5 before work began would have identified that the switch was defective, and work would not have started until it had been rectified.

Take 5 before starting a task is the opportunity to make sure that all equipment needed during the task is available and fit for purpose, it is the opportunity to ensure there are no safety issues that could prevent the task being performed safely.

Please contact us at: if you have any other NMHA examples to share with our colleagues across CEMEX UK.