Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Somercotes Rail Solutions On The Right Track

Staff from Somercotes Rail Solutions recently took part in a Health and Wellbeing Workshop provided by New Leaf Health.

Sonny Netto, Supervisor, commented: “We decided to offer our employees this workshop on the back of our recent annual medicals that were completed on site.  Hopefully this will help to keep people’s minds focused on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

The day consisted of an individual biometric health screen with staff given information on Body Fat %, Fat Mass, Total Body Water, Body Water %, Basal Metabolic Rate, Metabolic Age, Visceral and Blood Pressure.  We were also given information on how we could improve our results through lifestyle, diet and exercise; this generated a lot of discussion amongst the staff and proved to be very competitive with everybody comparing their metabolic age, the lowest was 25 and we also had a 69 year old employee with a metabolic age of 39!!!!!

The second part of the session was dedicated to Musculoskeletal awareness and training with some great tips on ergonomics, lifting techniques and how poor posture really affects the vertebrae in your back.  Overall it was a great workshop which has generated a lot of discussion around health.”