Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Stay Sun Safe

At Cemex UK, a large number of us work outdoors on a regular basis and this month we are raising awareness of the need to protect ourselves from the exposure to UV radiation from the sun.

Sunlight is the main environmental risk factor for developing skin cancer. It is estimated that about 86% of all skin cancers in the UK are attributable to excessive exposure to sunlight.

It’s important to remember that skin damage doesn’t only happen on holiday or in hot, sunny places. The sun is often strong enough to cause damage in the UK, even when it’s cloudy.

Too much UV radiation from the sun or sunbeds can damage the DNA in our skin cells. DNA tells our cells how to function. If enough DNA damage builds up over time, it can cause cells to start growing out of control, which can lead to skin cancer.

There are two main types of skin cancer: Non melanoma skin cancer and melanoma skin cancer.

  • Melanoma skin cancer develops from skin cells called melanocytes. Symptoms of melanoma include a change to a mole, freckle or normal patch of skin. Ultraviolet (UV) light is the most common cause of melanoma. It comes from the sun and is used in sunbeds. Melanoma is more common in older people, but younger people can also get it.
  • Non melanoma skin cancer includes basal cell skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer and other rare types. Symptoms of skin cancer can include: a sore that doesn’t heal, an area of skin that looks unusual, red, itchy, bleeds or scabs for more than four weeks.

For further details about Skin Cancer please check out the NHS website here

 Tips for staying safe in the sun

  • Stay in the shade where possible
  • Cover up your skin
  • Use Sunscreen

We have made a poster Top Tips poster – please share on all workplace notice boards. You can find the poster on the UK News download page: Stay Sun Safe Top Tips poster (432 downloads)

The Cemex UK Wellbeing Strategy Group have recently sent out SPF50 Sunscreen to all employees in the UK. We hope you will keep this with you and use it to protect yourself while working outdoors.