Health & Safety

Health & Safety

This Week is Road Safety Week 2023

This week Cemex UK are supporting Road Safety Week 2023 to encourage safer driving practices amongst all road users and this year’s campaign focusses on speed.

Take our short Road Safety Quiz for your chance to win!

To encourage employees to keep safety front of mind while driving, we are running short quiz for all employees – with a £50 gift voucher on offer for first place, and a £25 gift voucher on offer for the runner-up. All employees with the correct answers will be put in a virtual hat and two winners drawn at random. Closing date is 24th November 2023.

Click HERE to enter the quiz:

Let’s talk about Speed

Whilst we want you to have some fun by partaking in the activities we have arranged as part of Road Safety Week, there is also a very serious message we want to promote. Driving faster than the speed limit or too fast for the road conditions not only increases the risk of a road traffic accident but also increases the chance that someone we love will be killed or hurt on the road.

Speed is the biggest factor in determining your and other road user’s chances of surviving a crash. The greater the impact speed, the greater the chance of death. A pedestrian hit at 30mph has a very significant (one in five) chance of being killed. This rises significantly to a one in three chance if they are hit at 35mph. Even small increases in speed can lead to an increase in impact severity.

A vehicle travelling at 20mph would stop in time to avoid a child running out three car-lengths in front. The same vehicle travelling at 25mph would not be able to stop in time and would hit the child at 18mph. This is roughly the same impact as a child falling from an upstairs window.

  • “I didn’t notice I was going so fast!”
  • “Everyone else is doing it so why can’t I?”
  • “A few miles an hour won’t make much difference, will it?”

There are many reasons we might make as an excuse for exceeding the speed limit however… there is no journey any of us will ever take that needs to be completed at such a speed that it could cost a life.

Enter our creative sticker placing competition!

We’ve also distributed stickers from this year’s campaign to Line Managers to distribute – see image.

To enter simply take a photo of the sticker in the location of your choosing and send a photo of this to:

There will be an additional prize on offer for the most creatively placed sticker!