This week is Trespass Awareness Week which is particularly pertinent for railways or quarries. Even with the current social distancing we still need to be vigilant on our sites. As the weather improves it is always good to check your boundaries to be sure they are safe.
The RSSB – the rail safety organisation – are raising awareness of rail safety. In their own words: “The railway tracks are no place for the public to be – they are incredibly dangerous”.
That’s why we’re asking the rail industry, and other organisations like schools and colleges, to sign up to the You vs.Train campaign and help keep young people safe around the railway.
With over 13,000 incidents every year since its formation in 2018 the Trespass Improvement Programme has run You vs.Train to reduce trespass on the rail network.
The 2020 campaign will begin with “Trespass Awareness Week”, which runs from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th March. We know the number of trespass incidents rises in spring, so the campaign has been timed to begin just before the clocks go forward.
Our educational partner, Learn Live, will also be broadcasting safety messages all week and will be asking individuals to encourage schools to sign up and join the broadcasts. As with previous campaigns, the whole rail industry, including the supply chain, will be involved. Together, we want to spread the message about how dangerous it is to be on the tracks, and to ensure everyone stays safe. We want to reach young people and their circles of friends, family, carers and other key influencers.
Please support the campaign fully by spreading the message across your organisation and commit to posting your pledge on social media using #YouvsTrain.”