Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Watch Your Hands

There was Safety Alert issued recently giving details of an incident where a driver’s finger got trapped in a cab door.  Please read the Alert here with your teams and ensure that everyone is aware of the potential hazard.

Here are the details of the incident:

A contractor, who was operating an Articulated Dump Truck (ADT), stopped the vehicle in heavy rain to pick up a pedestrian and transport him to his light vehicle at the base of the quarry.  While sitting down in the passenger seat, the passenger closed the door of the ADT, however, the Operator’s left hand was on the door frame to assist with leverage (to then reach across with his right hand to pull the door from the seated position).  The passenger closed the door, trapping the Operator’s hand between door and frame, causing laceration to the Operator’s index finger.  The Operator attended hospital where his fingernail was removed, and stitches applied.