Over the last couple of months we’ve shared a series of assets to raise awareness of what Near Miss / Hazard Alerts are and how you should report them.
But why is it so important to report any hazards you spot?
Near Miss / Hazard Alerts are a fundamental part of our safety efforts. They ensure that potential issues are spotted and resolved before they result in injuries. They help to protect you and those around you.
Every risk reported helps us to work towards our target of Zero4Life – your support could help to save a life.
If you haven’t already, listen to this month’s podcast where Health & Safety Director, Andy Taylor, and Operations Manager, Richard Kelly, share examples of incidents where Stepping In could have made a difference, and examples of potential risks that were spotted and reported. Listen here.
We’ve also created a final poster for you to print and display. It can be found in the download section of the UK News website: Why should I report a NM/HA poster (779 downloads)