We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Quarter 1 2017 CEMEX Haulier Health & Safety Award is Taylor & Morrison.
They won the award in recognition of their innovative Mobile Inclinometer Testing machine, and their recent investment in safety equipment. These include passenger door windows; in body cameras; battery isolation units and a new Brake Disc lathe ensuring regular checks on integrity and reliability.
It is vitally important to encourage the efforts made to improve the Health & Safety culture of our haulier companies. The incidents over the past months only serve to highlight that safety has no memory and we have to be vigilant every day. With this in mind, we applaud Taylor & Morrison for taking measures to improve their driver and vehicle safety and this is a comment from them:
“We have designed a bespoke system that checks all areas of the inclinometer systems installed in all of our Artics. It is designed to allow both independent checks on trailers AND incab Inclinometer Equipment, and can be easily attached using the standard fittings. This also supports driver training, regular maintenance tests (every service) and gives us the ability to fault find very quickly and rectify them. We believe that inclinometers and the regular checking, calibration and functioning of them, are paramount to eliminating rollovers within our operations.
As well as the above, we currently install in body cameras in the majority of fleet, battery isolators to prevent electrical fires, side sensors, quicksilver linings in the majority of trailers to promote quick discharge of material, additional side indicators and retrofitting of nearside viewing window on passenger door.
Taylor & Morrison now feel that a positive Health & Safety culture is being embraced rather than becoming a ‘tick box’ exercise.”
The main picture is the red letter prize being presented by Ronnie Simpson to Driver, Neil Thomson (left). The picture above is of Ronnie Simpson (left) presenting the certificate to George Taylor (owner of Taylor & Morrison).