Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Zero4Life: Let’s Do It!

In case you missed the video from our CEO Fernando Gonzalez last week, where he shared some important Health & Safety messages, you can read the transcript here:

Fernando’s Message….

“Hello, I hope you and your families are healthy and safe.

I say that, not as a general introduction, but with feeling and sincerity, because after all, what can be more important than everyone being healthy and safe? This is why, at Cemex, Health and Safety is our number one Priority. There is nothing more important.

We should be proud of what we have been achieving over the years in terms of the significant number of injuries we have been preventing and the culture we are creating. We have improved materially to become a positive industry benchmark, although for the past few years our performance has been static, and we now need to increase our efforts further to take the next step towards our ZERO 4 Life objective.

The majority of our operations are already achieving ZERO injuries, in fact, 95% with ZERO LTIs and 87% with ZERO TRIs. The teams in these operations are already showing us what is possible everywhere and if the rest can come on board to reach the same performance level, then we will be able to take those next steps forward.

We are all in this together, and we need everyone’s engagement and commitment at all times to realise our objective and keep everyone safe. We can all make a real difference, so LET’S DO IT!

You will see and hear this slogan regularly going forward, often alongside our ongoing ZERO 4 Life identity, as a reminder and to symbolize that we now need to turn our objective into an achievement everywhere.

Quite simply, now is the time to make things happen, so LET’S DO IT!”

You can also watch the video HERE