Faced with technical challenges, high production volumes, and demanding environmental criteria, CEMEX’s expertise has allowed it to handle the rigors of the Grand Paris Express project for almost three years.
CEMEX announced that it has supplied more than 550,000 metric tons of aggregates and more than 300,000 cubic metres of ready-mix concrete for the Grand Paris Express project, using its network of fixed and mobile plants. To ensure the delivery of optimal quantities of concrete within tight time frames, CEMEX has been able to deploy mobile on-site concrete plants and use its local network of 21 plants in Île-de-France to provide timely delivery and backup.
The future Metro station for the Grand Paris Express is a state-of-the-art structure requiring a high level of technical expertise, which must have a guaranteed service life of more than 100 years. High strength of concrete is essential. CEMEX’s formula and quality control staff applied their experience in materials design to provide a highly technical concrete that meets very demanding project specifications.
Please read the complete press release: https://cmx.to/2Wh0ToQ