

Joint Pilot In Halkyn

Recently the Aggregates Ops and Commercial Teams carried out a three day workshop in Halkyn Quarry to review their business using a system devised by the Global Aggregate Networks.  The visit covered FVR – which is Full Value Recovery (a way to estimate how much value you can potentially get in a Quarry).  They also covered Operational Excellence – reviewing how efficient they are, whether they can produce more or a different mix of products and many other aspects of production.

Rob Doody gives a summary: “All of that is the technical side – but what stood out as always is the commitment from our people and the willingness to improve and take the business forward. It was a great team effort.  We have a good set of actions and I’m sure we will continue to improve an already very successful Quarry. Thanks all for your passion and commitment to improve. By the way the picture is in Wales, I promise.  Don’t let the tropical tree fool you!”