

New Warrington Depot Starts Trading, And The Baton Is Passed Safely!

On the 31st March we sold our first load out of our new Warrington depot,  supplied from Dove Holes serving areas in Merseyside, Lancashire and greater Manchester. Customers have been in contact and are very interested in this location. Type 1 MOT is the main product to start but other materials including 20-5 concreting aggregates, washed limestone dust and single sizes will be available depending on space and demand.

Thanks should go to the many people involved in bringing this initiative to fruition, including Mark Grimshaw-Smith, Nicholas Watson, Nicola Drabble, Phil Guest, Michael Ripley and Philip Repton to name but a few.

We have just picked up the first big order for 17k tonnes of MOT for GPL at Thelwall. So a good start! Best for customers – Best for Communities – Best for shareholders!

Above is a picture of the baton being passed safely with Jeanette Burns, Marie Tiernan, Nicola Drabble and RFS operatives.