

Permission to de-water quarries…

Chris Pointer and Tenant Sibanda from the Geology and Land Search Management team have recently been working tirelessly to ensure we can continue to legally operate our quarries. We now have in place all our validation letters so we can continue to dewater and abstract water from our quarries.

Tom Giddings, who heads up the team explains, “I’m guessing that 99% of people probably won’t have been aware that we were facing a huge threat to our aggregate business from the Water Act 2003 legislation. In some cases if you can’t dewater, you don’t have a quarry! The guys have been working super hard to achieve this, and in late June we received that last outstanding ‘transitional licence application validation’ letter – 6 months ahead of schedule! It’s thanks to Chris and Tenant’s tenacity that we have got all or our licences in place.”