

Proposed Mothballing Of The South Ferriby Cement Plant

As you are probably aware earlier this week we made an announcement about the proposed mothballing of the South Ferriby Cement plant.  Here is the message which was sent out….

We have undertaken an analysis of our European Cement assets and identified an opportunity to reduce our operating costs and improve the utilisation of CEMEX’s European Cement network through the mothballing of South Ferriby Cement plant.


We are proposing an indefinite mothballing of South Ferriby plant. If this mothballing proposal proceeds, clinker production would cease during the third quarter of 2020, after which the remaining clinker will be manufactured into Cement. It is anticipated that the proposal, if implemented, would result in redundancies of all the employees currently based at the South Ferriby Cement plant.

The current drivers based at South Ferriby plant are not immediately impacted but the intention is to review the optimal haulage provision.


We will shortly commence a process of collective consultation with affected employees.

We appreciate that this is concerning news and it is our priority to ensure that everyone affected is communicated with on a regular basis. We will also provide more general updates as the process progresses.