Every year around 2,000 drivers and workers are seriously injured in falls from vehicles, all of which could be easily avoided. With Feb being the worst month for slips, trips and falls, be especially vigilant.
If you work on vehicles:-
- Don’t jump off vehicles, always use steps and the correct handholds – Remember, Get A Grip!
- Do not carry objects whilst climbing in and out the cab
- Keep surfaces you walk on clean and uncluttered
- Ensure your boots are in good condition, clean and free from mud/grease
- Ensure the area you have to step out onto when exiting the cab is firm, level ground
- Complete a Near Miss Hazard Alert card if you observe an unsafe site condition and ‘Step In’ if you observe any unsafe act
- Follow safe systems of work
- Report defects such as broken handholds or steps
Incidents can easily be avoided by:-
- Following the principles of MYSPACE at all times
- Using the Near Miss Hazard Alert process
- Stepping in
Please ensure you display the attached poster in a prominent position on notice boards, particularly in areas where drivers are likely to see this. Also, use as a focus point of discussion at safety meetings.