

August Thanks For Your Effort Winners Are…..

The Dove Holes Dam Repair Team: Mark Gould, Rebecca Stone, Adrian Leigh, John Carr and Steve Purse.

On Saturday 27th July Mark received a call from a customer asking if we could load Sugar Stone through Saturday afternoon, evening and Sunday day to go to the Todbrooke Reservoir at Whaley Bridge which was in danger of bursting. Mark made some phone calls and was told to try and organise it. Shovel Drivers, John Carr and Steve Purser, offered to do the loading.

Mark made a number of calls to Adrian Leigh on the golf course, who had contacted colleagues to discuss the best way of covering the weighbridge function. He eventually decided the best way was to set the job up on Fast Track. Mark then spoke to Rebecca who came into work and set the job up on the Fast Track. Mark called the customer and confirmed all systems were go.

A big thank you to all involved.