

October Thanks For Your Effort Winners Are…..

The Wickwar Open Day Team: Frank Hogg, Darren Palmer, Charles Henry, Robert Moreton, Mark Mitchelmore, William Jones, Mark Thompson, Darrel Collins, Keith Taylor, Shaun Denny, Caroline Wardle, Ian Southcott, Ross Cottrell and Jon Wells.               

The Wickwar Planning Exhibition and Open Day was a resounding success with over 250 visitors on the Friday and Saturday. The event was arranged to share our future extension plans with the community and also celebrate the quarry operating for 100 years. The day consisted of tours of the quarry, process plants and block works with historical, geological and safety presentations, including the Cycling Awareness. Due to the initial high demand they had to use on site pick ups for tours as the two 16-seater buses could not cope!

The feedback from the public was fantastic with numerous comments saying how enthusiastic the teams were about the site.