Future in Action

Future in Action

Help Boost Birdsong On 17th October

We love Birdsong so much in the UK that when the RSPB released a track featuring purely the sounds of birds earlier this year it soared to number 18 in the UK Top 40 Chart. The wildlife charity then followed this up by launching the RSPB Birdsong Radio app.

Now they want to go even bigger and on 17th October 2019 the RSPB is calling on people, businesses, offices, museums and public spaces up and down the country to sign up to play an RSPB soundscape to their staff, customers, community groups during the day with the collective aim of filling the UK with the sound of Birdsong.  The RSPB want to show just how much Birdsong can make a difference to everyone’s day, lifting people’s moods and relieving stress. By protecting nature, we can make the UK a happier and healthier place to live.

For your organisation to take part, email: letnaturesing@rspb.org.uk and you’ll receive a beautiful track of birds singing, images and logos to promote the event.

The RSPB would love to see people enjoying Birdsong on the day, so everyone is encouraged to share their thoughts, photos and videos on social media using the hashtag #LetNatureSing.