Future in Action

Future in Action

Use The Right Bin!

The team at NW Materials Readymix have had some signs produced to put on their recycling bins to encourage everyone to bin the right stuff in the right bin! BIFFA, our waste partner, are trying to encourage everyone to make sure they don’t contaminate bins by putting the wrong things in.  If this happens then the waste can’t be recycled.

Paul Cheeseman commented: “Off the back of the latest environmental briefing issued and in an attempt to encourage staff and drivers at plants to put more effort into achieving our recycling targets, I’ve had GSB Signs produce this sign which I will be mounting at all Biffa bin points on every plant. GSB Signs have made these up on 300 x 400 Alupanel at £16.13 each.”

Please take a few seconds when you are binning something to use the right bin.  Every little decision you make on throwing out your rubbish makes a difference.