2022 might be well underway now but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take the opportunity to reflect back on 2021 and what we can learn from it.
The Health & Safety team have put together a useful document reflecting on the last year and identifying opportunities for improvement.
As you know, a major milestone reached in the UK was the one year employee LTI free in our operations, however the number of contractor injuries remains a significant concern. Top causes of all incidents: 32% slips, trips and falls, 14% handling lifting or carrying, 8% contact with moving machinery.
The top five focus areas for focus going forwards are:
- Health and wellbeing
- Traffic management improvements
- Embed and expand Take 5, Take 5 Together and Take 5 for Drivers
- Expansion of MP Connect
- Roll out of Zero4Life Today training programme
This review can be found at the end of this document and in the download section of the UK News website: Health & Safety Review 2021 (861 downloads) It also includes the EMEA 2022 Improvement plan.
Please share and discuss with your teams and colleagues.