Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Beat The January Blues

January can often be quite a bleak month and the team at Dove Holes have been trying to spread a little happiness with this ‘Happiness Calendar’.

For each day of the month there is a little task to do to help you feel more content all headed up with a great quote from the Dalai Lama: “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”

Suggestions include: ‘take a different route today and see what you notice’, ‘say hello to a neighbour and get to know them better’, ‘count how many people you smile at today’…simple things which make us and others feel happier and appreciate January a little more!  Thank you to Nicola Drabble for sharing this idea.

Print one out today for your office or home.  A copy can be found in the download section of the UK News website or at: