Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Rise in COVID Cases and Need for Self-Isolation Across UK Business

Over the last month, we have seen a considerable increase in the number of employees absent from work due to Coronavirus.

Throughout the whole month of May, we had just three cases of absence due to COVID, with two of these employees who had tested positive. However, over the month of June this has risen sharply to 27 cases (so far). This includes six active COVID positive cases in the last week and a half.

This increase in absence mirrors the rising number of cases being reported amongst the general population and reminds us that while many of the Government’s restrictions have eased, we must not forget that the risk of Coronavirus is still very real.

Please continue to be careful both inside and outside of work:

  • Remember that even if you have received the vaccination you can still catch the virus yourself and also transmit to others.
  • Regularly test yourself and your family using lateral flow tests. People can take the test at home using the NHS home ordering service or collect from local test sites and participating pharmacies. Find out where you can obtain these free tests here.
  • Use the NHS Test & Trace app when away from home and remember to ‘check in’ when visiting restaurants, pubs, coffee shops etc.
  • Follow the Four Behaviours That Save Lives:
  1. Identify Symptoms and inform.
  2. Personal Hygiene.
  3. Physical Distance.
  4. Protect yourself and others.

Please also remember that all confirmed cases of Coronavirus and self-isolation due to “close contact” must be notified to Line Managers and the Health & Safety team at the earliest opportunity. This procedure still applies to those who are working remotely, even if they do not need to be absent from work.

All COVID-19 related absences / self-isolation should also be logged via the dedicated online form, accessible here, and record absences on SAP as you would do normally.