We ran a short story last week about this event to determine CEMEX UK’s Driver of the Year, but thought you’d like to read a bit more about it.
The day was organised to recognise and celebrate a 6% improvement in fuel efficiency since we introduced telematics to our trucks which has lead to a substantial six figure annual saving. Congratulations go to Mark Lovell, Aggs Logisitics, and Andy Pepper from Cement Logistics, who were named our 2017 Drivers of the Year!
The award is named in memory of Keith Lacey who sadly passed away in service last year after many years of employment. Keith was a passionate Driver Trainer (he was part of the team that identified the telematics solution we required as a business to help improve performance) and we were honoured to have his wife and son present to make the awards.
15 of our finest drivers came from across the UK representing both Aggregates and Cement operations. The finalists were selected as a result of performing well over a sustained period of time with regard to their fuel performance and safe driving style. The whole event was hosted by Mercedes Benz and sponsored by Isotrak.
To find out who had won the award each driver had to undertake a number of key tasks such as on-road driving test, reversing, defect checking and a legal compliance test to establish the overall winners. There were also some fun activities such as off road experiences, remote control truck challenges and blind reversing!!