

Important Cyber Security Warning

Due to a massive Malware infection (WannaCry’s ransomware) initiated recently and affecting different companies around the world, CEMEX has reinforced software update distribution and a mandatory patching application released by Microsoft, in addition to enabling specific protection and monitoring mechanisms against this threat. The Malware takes advantage of a Microsoft vulnerability, encrypts information on computers, and asks for payment in exchange for decryption, and additionally uses the network to infect other computers.

The most effective protection mechanism is the prevention from each of you as computer end users. 

We ask you to please follow the recommendations:

  • If your computer shows a message related to a reboot, this is part of the updates. SAVE your documents, REBOOT, and continue working normally.
  • DO NOT OPEN ATTACHMENTS, if you receive unsolicited e-mails containing unusual files, or from an unknown sender.
  • DO NOT BROWSE OR DOWNLOAD FILES from websites or links you do not trust.
  • Share the recommendations with external employees or contractors with access to CEMEX network and systems if you have direct contact with them.

In case you detect a suspicious behaviour or Malware in your computer, IMMEDIATELY turn off the network connection (WiFi and cable) and call the Help Desk to inform the Information Security Team or, using another device, send an email to: and

For more information about this WannaCry’s ransomware go to:

Protecting CEMEX information is everyone’s responsibility.