Buying and planting native plants like spring bulbs can bring the first signs of the season into your garden and be a vital food source to the first bees and pollinators too! But if you don’t already have them they need to be on your list for planting in autumn.
With the onset of spring, we start to clear away the winter garden debris, but often the leaf litter is the shelter for over wintering insects, so don’t clear all the garden in one go and leave what you do clear overnight before it goes int the garden bin and you’ll be saving a few ladybirds. You could also repurpose the leaf mulch under the shrubs and bushes, this will help the soil keep their moisture in the event of a dry spring. It will also help the birds as they’ll use some of it as nesting material. You could also collect and put out some sheep’s wool (not pet hair) as nest material too.
Things to look out for in spring: Brimstone butterflies, early bumblebees, Backthorn blossom and catkins.
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